Gemstones & Their Powers: Find The Right One For You

Over the years, natural gemstones are believed to have spiritual properties, influence our mood and even heal a wide variety of conditions. From promoting creativity and improving emotional balance to clearing the way for positive emotions and self-acceptance. Here is a list of the 10 most popular and real gemstones and their special characteristics.

  1. Amethyst: Amethyst is a pacifying stone that blocks negative energies and helps you remember and follow your dreams. It is also considered the 'yogi' of real gemstones. Wearing amethyst stone during meditation removes distracting thoughts, leading to peace and deeper understanding. This is why many psychics wear and use this stone. In addition, it is believed that the stone enhances the immune system, as well as purifies the blood. And you can also keep it under your pillow for a good night's sleep. Powers of this stone are spirituality, peace, and emotional connection.

  2. Emerald: It is said that this gorgeous green gem is closely related to the heart chakra. Its healing power relieves heartbreak and enhances emotional purification. It is not only known for its radiance but also for its many powerful properties. It is associated with prosperity, abundance and wealth. It enhances intuition, opens your heart and helps you to trust the wisdom of your heart. In addition, emerald stones can improve your memory and intuition. The powers of emerald stone are energy, love, and cleansing.

  3. Aquamarine: This blue gemstone is said to guide, calm and evoke feelings of self-love and acceptance. Another great feature of aquamarine is that it helps relieve nerves, which is why you can bring it with you to any event that is expected to make you nervous. You can carry aquamarine gemstone with yourself everywhere as it is said to bring luck and protect travelers. Powers of aquamarine gemstones are inner peace, luck, and courage.

  4. Pearls: Pearls are a timeless accessory that brings peace, encourages honesty, and enhances femininity. These pure stones help you get in touch with your inner goddess and will definitely look good with anything you wear. The powers of the pearl are matched by their pure, honest look. It is said that you should wear pearls because they increase openness and reliability. The powers in pearls are purity, honesty, and femininity.

  5. Ruby: It is interesting to mention that rubies are basically red sapphires, as they are made of the same stone as all other sapphires. Along with diamonds, ruby ​​is one of the most powerful gemstones. Having one of these fire gems with you will strengthen your connection to your root chakra, which is your body's energy flow. If you feel burdened by fatigue and laziness - then this gem is for you. It will increase your stamina in every way you can imagine, including in the bedroom. These small fires are said to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Powers of ruby are energy, love, and courage.

  6. Topaz: Topaz stone comes in many colors and this stone is most beautiful. It can improve your overall health and also promote peace or tranquility. This stone is ideal for those who are a little burned out and need relief from stress. If you feel unbalanced, detached from yourself or suffer from anxiety, the topaz gem is just right for you. It is said that this stone can realign your energy points and provide stress, tension and emotional relief. Powers of this gemstone are health, balance, and honesty.

  7. Moonstone: Moonstone holds the power of mystery and is believed to harvest the energy of the moon. It is revered as an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers to passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to enlightenment. This white stone is popular among women because of its femininity. It helps to calm your nerves and enhances your feminine energy. Women can also use Chandra Ratna as protection during pregnancy and childbirth. Powers of moonstone gemstones are calm, femininity, and inner perspective.

  8. Rose Quartz: This gemstone is popularly known as 'Love' or 'Heart' stone, it encourages unconditional love and opens its wearer to all kinds of love: self love, romantic love, family love. These heart-opening properties work by relaxing the nervous system by reducing stress levels and increasing happiness, trust and harmony. It stimulates inner peace, forgiveness, compassion, peace, kindness, and tolerance. It enhances the ability to love oneself as well as others. It helps to heal emotional wounds and enhances its wearer's sense of self-worth. Powers of rose quartz are calmness, gentleness, femininity, and compassion.

  9. Amazonite: Amazonite has extremely calming properties and calms the brain and nervous system. It brings stability to our lives and gives relief from blockages due to trauma or fear. It stimulates integrity, truthfulness and respect and is believed to balance male and female energies. It increases confidence and strengthens communication skills, and thus you’ll learn to express yourselves more beautifully. It is an especially useful stone for writers and artists as it increases creativity and self-expression. It is a great stone to help open our mind and see both sides of a problem, hence a great helper in leadership. It also helps to overcome any greed or selfishness, increases patience, compassion and tolerance.

If you’re looking for gemstones for your needs and problems, you can easily buy them online from Dream Of Stones. You can contact us at for any queries or messages.

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